GroupM surprise: DOOH ads ‘as entertaining’ as TV and radio

GroupM surprise: DOOH ads ‘as entertaining’ as TV and radio

Digital out-of-home has been cited as much as TV and radio for featuring ads that are entertaining, research from WPP’s GroupM and Kantar has found.


Described as a “surprise”, the Sightline Global Digital Out-of-Home survey, DOOH  was cited just as much as TV and radio (37%) for featuring ads that were “entertaining”.

Those who saw DOOH ads in the month leading up to the survey were most likely to say DOOH was the most innovative format (28%) and were second only to cinemagoers in terms of associating the format with having the most ‘creative’ ads.


Meanwhile, half of global audiences who have seen digital out-of-home ads say they were encouraged make a purchase “there and then”.


The survey also found two-thirds of participants said DOOH ads had encouraged them to search for more information online.


The findings showed that DOOH campaigns are generally regarded by consumers as innovative, impactful, and strong drivers of actions.


Over three-quarters (77%) of respondents said DOOH were quite or very informative, with half (50%) of respondents connecting them with their favorite social media channels.


Regarding QR codes, though 94% of respondents say they are “useful”, just 24% have actually used a QR code, signifying a difference between thought and action.


The study, which was commissioned by Sightline, a joint venture between GroupM sister companies Xaxis and Kinetic, surveyed the views of 11,000 people in 11 major global markets on a variety of advertising channels including DOOH.


“Receptiveness to DOOH ads is clearly strong among consumers everywhere, as seen through their positive attitude towards its quality and innovation,” Akama Davies, global practice lead for digital OOH at Xaxis, said.


Davies added: “[DOOH] offers a large creative canvas but also gives ad buyers the precision planning and agility of digital, programmatic media, as well as a powerful location-based element that drives a multitude of actions.”


The full survey findings can be found here.


Originally published on The Media Leader


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