Transform media into outcomes

Outcome-driven media means developing, planning against, and optimizing to digital success metrics that map much more closely to an advertiser’s ultimate goals, from brand lift to footfall, from lead generation to sales. AND it means being held accountable for performing against those metrics.
outcome-driven media

Developing, planning against, and optimising to digital success metrics.

By redefining how we think about and measure digital success and aligning our performance directly with our clients’ own objectives, we are not only better able to deliver value, but demonstrate it.
So, we partner with our clients and their agencies to jointly define success metrics that connect directly with the advertiser’s marketing and business goals so that every campaign delivers measurable and valuable results.
Women being handed keys after purchasing a car.

What's your outcome?

Building a Custom Outcome

A Custom Outcome Indicator (COI) is a single multi-metric media KPI that acts as a brand’s unique digital proxy for real business and marketing success.
The consumer experience of your brand is distributed across dozens of digital and
physical touchpoints. COIs are built for that reality. They can integrate first- and third-
party data, combine online and offline data points, and use any mix of digital media
channels to engineer your outcomes.

Here's how it works:

We use human + artificial intelligence to determine which digital metrics are the strongest indicators of the real business outcomes you’re hoping to achieve.
We translate those metrics into a custom, multi-metric KPI that builds your outcomes.
Our AI team uses our proprietary technology, Copilot, to test and learn and identify the best ways to optimize performance towards that KPI, including custom algorithmic models.

Engineering Custom Outcomes

We’ve developed a range of custom outcome models for our clients, including:
  • Purchase Intent (PI)
    For a major auto manufacturer, we created a custom KPI called Purchase Intent (PI) to bridge the gap between website traffic and actual visits to their showrooms. By assigning different values to key website actions based on their impact on offline sales, we were able to increase dealership visits dramatically.
    custom KPI called Purchase Intent (PI)
  • Deposits per Marketing Dollar (DPM)
    We worked with a leading online bank to formulate a new KPI called Deposits per
    Marketing Dollar (DPM). Using the bank’s sophisticated CRM dataset, we identified the traits that indicated in-market customers and optimized the campaign to target those customers with a custom algorithm. Using this strategy, we increased deposit revenue by 38% and account applications by 50%.
    Increase in deposit revenue
  • Site Engagement Score
    A premium pet food brand needed optimize towards purchases on third-party
    eCommerce sites. We created a Site Engagement Score, a custom weighted score that indicated likelihood to purchase based on on-site actions. With this COI we helped the brand achieve 82% more high-value page interactions.
    more high-value page interactions

Want to learn more?

Get in touch to find out how Outcome Media can can deliver measurable results.

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