Why Integrated Video is an Essential Trend this Year

Published on April 23, 2021
blog, insights

Video is a powerful medium for marketers. It has a unique ability to engage, immerse, inspire, and move people. Every new video channel is a chance to engage new audiences. The challenge for marketers is that the video market is vast, fragmented, and changing fast. 

Consumers are accessing an increasing array of online platforms through a growing line-up of screens, big and small. That means marketers need ever-greater variations of video content, from bite-size clips for social media to long-form, premium content for big-screen viewing.
The good news is that new technologies can enable better integration across formats, channels, and platforms than ever before. New capabilities are helping marketers deliver video campaigns that reach consumers wherever they are, deliver the best video content for every circumstance, and synchronize it all through a centralized strategy.


That centralized video marketing strategy is called  "Integrated Video."


The "Four Cs" are what make Integrated Video different from previous video marketing efforts:

  1. Centralization lets marketers manage all of their video opportunities through one point of control.
  2. Consistency of your marketing message is improved by coordinating your video message across touchpoints.
  3. Customization of those messages to specific audiences can be more easily executed, with data-driven optimization tools that can consider contextual elements like location, weather, and time of day, and respond in real time.
  4. Creative Innovation is empowered by being able to focus more on your message and content than each individual delivery method. Marketers are integrating more and more next-generation tools like interactive and dynamic video. 


The most significant recent developments that make Integrated Video possible are:


  • Data integration, to holistically manage reach and frequency for top levels of efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Delivery platforms that give marketers access to new platforms and devices, along with frequency capping and budget optimization.
  • Programmatic supply of new video inventory helps integrate video with other digital buys across platforms and publishers.
  • AI technology lets marketers handle masses of data and optimize everything in real time throughout every part of a campaign.
  • Unified measurement across platforms and devices helps marketers better understand the reach and impact of their entire campaign.


Video is a powerful medium for marketers. We think that the ones that utilize an Integrated Video strategy will be the ones to watch in the year ahead.

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