Strategic partnerships

Grupo M - Nuestra empresa matriz

We are the outcome media specialist of GroupM, the world’s largest media buyer

Con una red mundial de socios influyentes en GroupM y más allá, nos dedicamos a mantener los estándares líderes del sector en cuanto a seguridad, fraude, privacidad y responsabilidad en los medios digitales.

Xaxis se ha asociado con Amazon para que los anunciantes y las agencias puedan llegar a las audiencias de forma programática en toda la web. Como uno de los principales socios globales de Xaxis, trabajamos estrechamente con Amazon para garantizar la satisfacción de nuestros clientes y desarrollamos soluciones nuevas e innovadoras que ofrezcan mejores resultados, a la vez que impulsamos el sector programático.

Con el DSP de Amazon, los clientes obtienen acceso a la información exclusiva de la audiencia de Amazon y la capacidad de llegar a sus audiencias con una visión única a través de dispositivos y formatos. La información sobre la audiencia de Amazon permite a los clientes medir con precisión el impacto de la publicidad en la forma en que los consumidores descubren, investigan y compran productos en todos los puntos de contacto.

Xaxis y Amazon juntos significa:
  • Nuestras campañas, que se llevan a cabo en móvil, vídeo, CTV, búsqueda de productos y display, impulsan una fuerte elevación de la marca y ROAS a través de una variedad de fuentes de inventario de alta calidad tanto en Amazon como en las aplicaciones, así como a través de Amazon Publisher Services y de intercambios de terceros.
  • Nuestro talentoso equipo de operadores acreditados de Amazon Advertising ha dominado el DSP de Amazon y sus muchas capas conectadas para impulsar tanto el ROAS como los resultados duraderos de la salud de la marca, lo que nos permite trabajar con métricas más orientadas al valor, como el CPM visible (VCPM) y el coste por página única vista.

Xaxis and Oracle Advertising have joined forces to help advertisers and agencies deliver better business outcomes by connecting with their target audiences and measuring the efficacy of their campaigns across channels and platforms in a programmatic world.

With Oracle Advertising, clients receive customized solutions for their advertising needs, inclusive of audience activation, contextual intelligence, and comprehensive campaign measurement.  

Xaxis and Oracle Advertising together means:
  • A conocimiento sólido de la audiencia multiplataforma alcance y la frecuencia, junto con personalizable soluciones de segmentación contextual personalizables que garantizan relevante publicidad a escala.
  • Permitir a los clientes llegar a los clientes con los mensajes correctos en los puntos de contacto adecuados a lo largo de cada vez más complejos recorridos digitales, y medir y optimizar eficazmente.
  • En más allá de la verificación a través de una tecnología de medición integral creada para anticiparse al cambio y hacer que la publicidad de las marcas sea realmente más eficaz en línea.

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Xaxis se ha asociado con Cavai para permitir experiencias publicitarias más personalizadas e interactivas que ayuden a los anunciantes a obtener mejores resultados de sus inversiones en medios.

La tecnología propia de Cavai, Cavai Cloud, permite a Xaxis diseñar, construir y servir conversaciones dinámicas dentro de formatos publicitarios interactivos a escala en todo el ecosistema programático. Estos formatos interactivos y conversacionales invitan a los consumidores a entablar un diálogo bidireccional con las marcas. Proporcionan una experiencia más personalizada para cada cliente, a la vez que aumentan el compromiso y producen información procesable para el anunciante.

Junto con la tecnología de IA patentada por Xaxis, Copilot, esta asociación permite a los clientes de Xaxis impulsar una publicidad que no sólo es eficaz desde el punto de vista creativo, sino que también se optimiza de forma inteligente para mejorar los resultados de la marca y el rendimiento de la inversión.

Construidos con un enfoque de privacidad, los formatos de Cavai no dejan caer o recogen cookies, ni dependen de las cookies para ser entregados. Recogen y utilizan dinámicamente los datos de rendimiento a través de interacciones genuinas con los clientes en tiempo real.

 Xaxis y Cavai juntos significa:

  • Xaxis utiliza la tecnología de Cavai Cloud junto con Copilot para proporcionar estrategias de publicidad conversacional altamente atractivas e interactivas que impulsan la marca y conducen a resultados comerciales reales.
  • Las marcas tienen acceso a información procesable y basada en datos que les ayuda a navegar por el complejo mundo de los cocineros.
  • Los consumidores pueden experimentar interacciones de marca más personales y relevantes, entregadas como experiencias dinámicas e interactivas.

Jivox is transforming the way the world experiences digital marketing by connecting brands with their audiences in the most personalized way. Jivox’ Dynamic Creative technology drives engagement and digital commerce across paid and owned media, delivering ROI by reducing production costs and increasing media performance using big data, AI/machine learning, Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO), and identity technologies. Jivox Kairos Purchase Prediction Engine drives sales by matching the right products with consumers that have the highest purchase intent.


Xaxis has partnered with DoubleVerify to enable advertisers to drive campaign quality and effectiveness and to maximize return on their digital advertising investments. DV’s suite of pre- and post-bid solutions help to build a baseline of quality for media buyers and further drive performance through relevant contextual targeting and attention-based metrics.

By leveraging DoubleVerify’s solutions, advertisers can ensure they’re bidding on the highest quality inventory that is measured by a proprietary, MRC-accredited metric called the DV Authentic Ad™. To be counted as Authentic, an ad must be fully viewed, by a real person, in a brand safe environment, within the intended geography. DV is the only company accredited to measure and de-duplicate ad quality in this manner — enabling brands working with Xaxis to use the DV Authentic Ad™ count as a defining, holistic KPI for campaign effectiveness.

DV and Xaxis are working together to ensure Xaxis staff are fully trained on DV products and best practices via DV University to deliver campaign excellence for their advertiser clients.

Xaxis and DoubleVerify together means:

  • Advertisers can create a centralized set of brand safety and suitability and fraud controls and automatically deploy these controls across multiple programmatic buying platforms and campaigns. This offers heightened levels of advertiser protection and drives substantial gains in both operating efficiency and campaign performance.
  • Privacy-friendly solutions that enable brands to reach the most relevant audiences and measure consumer attention and optimize performance.
  • Advanced app-level controls and transparency on Connected TV (CTV) that allow digital advertisers to ensure quality and drive performance on the largest screen in the house.

Xaxis and Yahoo have partnered closely to drive results for clients looking for business results, whether that be brand awareness, engagements, or sales. Yahoo’s DSP provides scale, unique data, and exclusive supply without compromising transparency.

With the Yahoo DSP, Xaxis clients receive:

  • Identity at the Core –Built on more than 200 billion data signals per day and first-party data. As a result, marketers can work with programmatic teams to test identity solutions to prepare for a post-cookie world and create unique audiences to extend reach or drive performance.
  • Premium Exclusive Inventory - Exclusive reserved access to Yahoo & Microsoft properties.
  • Performance - Machine learning that consistently drives performance by using proprietary performance algorithms.

Channel Factory is a trusted YouTube Measurement Program partner that removes complexity from the YouTube ecosystem, and provides streamlined brand safety, suitability and performance on YouTube. Channel Factory's technology platform leverages proprietary data inputs like transcriptions, sentiment, historical performance, and content type, plus we have exclusive data from our partners like Comscore & IAS.

Channel Factory & Xaxis partner closely to integrate brand suitability and top performance for Xaxis YouTube Campaigns into Xaxis Dashboard. We provide GARM measurement for campaigns that utilize Channel Factory lists, ensuring Xaxis campaigns are always safe and suitable. Additionally, Channel Factory has unique behavioural and contextual segments through exclusive partnerships with Comscore and IAS that is available to any/all Xaxis campaigns that want Comscore's 3rd party audience verification on their YouTube campaign.


OpenSlate is a global content measurement and analytics company. The company’s technology and independent ratings system unlocks insight into the nature and quality of content on the world’s largest platforms. Media buyers and sellers partner with OpenSlate to measure and manage the safety, suitability and affinity of ad-supported content. OpenSlate's full-featured contextual advertising platform maximizes brand protection and message alignment while streamlining workflows. OpenSlate is used by every major advertising holding company, as well as the world’s largest advertisers. Learn more at

Xaxis’ longstanding partnership with Xandr enables Xaxis to execute advanced programmatic campaigns in a trusted and streamlined environment, which is instrumental to Xaxis’ ability to deliver real business outcomes for Xaxis clients.

A key element of the Xaxis-Xandr partnership is the advanced integration of Xaxis’ proprietary AI solution, Copilot. Xandr also provides access to log-level data, which allows Xaxis to build business intelligence reporting across all of our accounts and enables Xaxis traders to use Xaxis’ cutting-edge machine learning models to streamline bidding and investment decisions.

Xaxis uses Xandr’s InvestDSP to enable advertisers to reach their audiences across digital and TV.

Xaxis and Xandr’s InvestDSP together means:

    • Delivering advanced, guaranteed, and custom outcomes across display, mobile, video, and audio. Xaxis campaigns drive strong ROAS by targeting bespoke audiences within Xandr’s premium marketplaces.
    • Advertisers can integrate their existing audiences into Xandr, enabling Xaxis to reach their target audience and drive relevance.
    • Expert campaign management. Xaxis traders possess InvestDSP certifications, ensuring Xaxis provide the best performance across all campaigns.
    • The ability to mobilize Xaxis’ Data Science team that builds custom Copilot models that use advertisers’ first party data to its fullest potential.
    • Assurance of brand safety and suitability, as Xandr’s open ecosystem allows Xaxis to integrate with preferred 3rd party verification providers.

Xaxis also uses the Xandr Monetize platform in a number of markets to aggregate, curate, and optimize Xaxis’ Premium Supply. This enables Xaxis to gain end-to-end visibility on all buys, ensuring Xaxis deliver clients’ programmatic campaigns into engaging, effective, and brand-safe environments.

The mutual focus on innovation is also essential to the partnership. Xaxis and Xandr continuously seek out and develop innovative solutions including new formats, channels, performance measures, and audience targeting capabilities.

Here are some of the ways the Xaxis and IAS partnership helps make sure every impression counts for our clients:

  • The IAS Media Quality solution helps Xaxis clients achieve highly viewable, fraud-free, safe, and suitable impressions across screens. From desktop to mobile, video to CTV, social to programmatic, IAS solutions help brands and publishers boost impact and drive efficiency.
  • The IAS Context Control solution uses patented semantic technology and Natural Language Processing to provide human-like machine comprehension of content, including the sentiment of the page. And IAS goes even further, interpreting the emotions of the author to understand the true meaning of the content, and ensuring contextual relevance of the environment for brands.
  • The IAS Academy and Global Expert Program are extended throughout the Xaxis global network through this partnership, providing opportunities for knowledge sharing, training on new solutions, and developing new skills to serve our clients more seamlessly.

IAS & Xaxis Together Means:

  • Safer Audio Advertising. IAS is empowering greater brand safety and suitability for advertising and measurement by partnering with major podcast platforms.
  • Smarter Gaming Capabilities. IAS provides powerful in-game measurement solutions with Anzu.
  • Advanced CTV Solutions. IAS enables total CTV transparency with current and future solutions like brand safety, contextual avoidance, contextual targeting, ad pod insights, and creative deduping at the channel and content level.
  • Enhanced Campaign Efficiency. IAS offers end-to-end Automated Tag solutions and seamless campaign management with MediaOcean’s Prisma.
  • Global Impact on Brands. With 19 offices in 12 countries, IAS has a worldwide presence that extends across the Xaxis global network.
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Xaxis is now part of GroupM Nexus — the world’s largest performance division.